
Transition Checklist

The following is a checklist of transition activities that you and your son or daughter may wish to consider when preparing transition plans with the IEP team. Skills and interests will determine which items on the checklist are relevant. Use this checklist to ask yourself whether these transition issues should be addressed at IEP transition meetings. The checklist can also help identify who should be a part of the IEP transition team. Responsibility for carrying out the specific transition activities should be determined at the IEP transition meetings. Timelines are approximate.

Four to five years before leaving the school district

  • Identify personal learning styles and the necessary accommodations to be a successful learner and worker.

  • Identify career interests/skills, complete interest/career inventories, request a vocational assessment, if appropriate.

  • Identify needed community support services and programs.

  • Explore options/requirements for post-secondary education admission or continuing education.

  • Identify interests and options for future living arrangements, including supports.

  • Learn to communicate your interests, preferences, and needs.

  • Learn to explain your disability and needed accommodations.

  • Learn and practice informed decision making skills.

  • Investigate assisted technology tools that can increase community involvement and employment opportunities.

  • Broaden your community activities and friendships.

  • Use local public transportation options.

  • Examine money management and identify necessary skills.

  • Acquire an identification card and the ability to communicate personal information.

  • Learn and practice personal health care.

  • Learn and practice personal safety skills (especially in the community).

  • Practice communication across all environments (home, school, job, leisure activities).

Two to three years before leaving the school district

  • Ensure contact has occurred with community support services programs and agencies.

  • Invite adult service providers, peers, and others to the transition meeting/PET.

  • Match career interests and skills with vocational coursework and community work experiences.

  • Gather more information on post-secondary and continuing education programs and the support services offered. Make arrangements for accommodations to take college entrance exams, if appropriate.

  • Identify health care providers and become informed about sexuality and family planning issues.

  • Learn and practice appropriate interpersonal communication and social skills for different settings (employment, school, recreation, with peers, etc.)

  • Explore guardianship prior to age of majority (18).

  • Begin a resume and/or a personal/career portfolio to be used to showcase strengths, skills, and experiences. Update regularly.

  • Practice independent living skills.

  • Identify needed personal care attendant (PCA) services & if appropriate, learn to manage these services.

  • Register to vote (all) and for selective services (if male, 18 yrs).

  • Apply for financial support programs (SSI).

  • Continue to assess vocational skills.

One year before leaving the school district

  • Confirm eligibility for support services with agencies and develop and individual service plan.

  • Practice effective communication by developing interview skills, asking for help, and identifying necessary communication accommodations at post-secondary and work environments.

  • Specify desired job and obtain paid employment with supports as needed.

  • Take responsibility for arriving on time for work, appointments, and social activities.

  • Identify the post-secondary school you plan to attend and arrange for accommodations, if appropriate.

  • Assume responsibility for health care needs to whatever degree possible (making appointments, filling and taking prescriptions).

  • Continue to assess vocational skills.

  • Identify and use transportation options.

  • Make sure to obtain your students most recent reevaluation/eligibility paperwork.